Do you produce lots of content for marketing on your website or blog? Do your content convert visitors into leads? To get the best out of your content marketing program, strive to incorporate the following elements in every piece of information that you create, and you’ll be amazed at the rate of conversion.
1. Compelling Headlines
Headlines are what your target audience will see first when they come across content. Headlines are one of the factors that will influence them as to whether to click-through to read the rest of the web content. For these reasons, strive to make your headlines persuasive and compelling. Also, consider the benefits that your readers will derive from consuming your content and mention it in the headlines.
For example, if you’re writing an article about how job seekers can prepare their CVs to land their dream jobs, mention the benefits associated with working at one’s ideal company. This may be good pay, comfortable life, and financial security. If you include any of the mentioned benefits in a headline, it will draw the attention of job seekers and may motivate them to consume the rest of the content. Let’s put the concept into action:
A. How to Prepare your CV to Land Jobs
B. Tips to Prepare Your CV for High Paying Jobs
If you were a job seeker and come across the above headlines, would you click? I guess it’s #2. Why? Because we all crave high paying jobs to meet our financial needs. That’s the power of benefit-driven headlines. Implement it in your content creation, and you may increase conversion.
2. Relevant and Informative Content
Besides writing compelling headlines, the next thing that will keep visitors engaged in your content is the “meat” of the web content. In other words, the quality of your content. Your content should be tailored to helping your target audience to improve their lives or businesses. For example, if you’re a dentist, your content should revolve around tips and advice that your target audience can implement in their lives.
This may be tips for keeping their teeth white and healthy, how to prevent certain dental diseases, how to treat specific tooth problems and helpful products that you can recommend to them. Do you get the idea? When potential customers are seeking information about dental issues and come across your content, they are likely going to visit your website several times and, as a result, become your subscribers or clients.
3. Short and Concise Paragraphs
Due to the short attention span of Internet users, people don’t waste their time on poorly organized articles. For this reason, you must break down your articles into short and concise paragraphs. It will motivate your readers to spend significant time consuming your content. Besides, articles with short and straight to the point paragraphs will encourage your readers to consume other relevant content on your blog. Consciously study the layout of this article, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
4. No Technical Terms or Jargon
A piece of content full of technical terms may drive your readers away, and they might not come back again. They want to be informed, entertained, and taught how to do certain things using specific tools or materials that are presented in easy-to-understand formats. If your articles are full of industrial jargon, readers may take note of that and might not want to read articles by you again.
Write your articles as if you’re talking to one of your buddies while sitting on the same table an on a couch. This will not only make article writing easy, but your readers will also feel comfortable reading them. Explain your ideas so that a high school fellow will understand what you’re trying to say. To accomplish this, utilize everyday language that your readers can understand and relate your concepts to daily life experiences.
5. Solve a Specific Problem
Your content should be designed to solve a specific problem or meet a particular need. This way, you’ll be able to embed the right keyword phrase in the content without looking too corny to your readers. If you try to solve multiple problems or meet lots of needs in a single piece of content, you’ll have a hard time producing useful information for your audience. If you’re writing an article about teeth whitening, don’t talk about diseases of the mouth in the same article. Instead, write a separate article about that.
6. Relevant Keyword Phrases
To find easily on your potential clients’ search results, you must add keyword phrases in every piece of content that you create. A keyword phrase is what a prospective customer will use to search for products or services on the Internet. For example, if you sell accounting software and embed the keyword phrase “accounting software” in your content – article or blog post or video – your content will be indexed appropriately for that keyword phrase by Google and other search engines. And when someone goes to Google or their preferred search engine and types the keyword phrase “accounting software” in the search box, your content may show up on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS). That means you’re more visible online to your potential customers than your competitors who don’t include keyword phrases in their content.
7. Links
Link your content together to allow readers to have access to other information on your website. People expect to see links in web content that they can click to go to other relevant pages. A link to your products or services page should be used in this context unless you’re not interested in selling online.
8. Calls to Action
A call to action refers to what you would like your potential customer to do after consuming your content. Your content may be so engaging that a visitor might forget what to do until he or she sees a call to action. Make calls to action evident at the end of your content. For example, ask readers to take a definite action such as leaving a comment, sharing the content on their favorite social networking platforms, subscribing to your newsletter or RSS feed, calling your telephone number or clicking a link to a product or service, or clicking a link to a relevant resource about the content. This blog post shows exactly how to incorporate a call to action in any of your content.
In conclusion, To get the most out of your content marketing efforts, strive to write magnetic and compelling headlines. Produce useful and relevant content. Break your content into short and concise paragraphs. Avoid technical terms or jargon in your content. Solve a specific problem or meet a particular need. Insert relevant keyword phrases in your content. And add links to your products or services page. Remember to include calls to specific actions at the end of every piece of content that you create.